By now if you haven't already heard, Privateer Press released the cards for the Cygnar Stormwall and we get our first official peek at a Colossal! We now know a lot about the direction Privateer Press took with these large models and they aren't the crazy unkillable machines that some initially thought. In fact, the Stormwall has less ARM than Ol' Rowdy. So, naturally, I want to jump right into designing a list around such an awesome centerpiece model, and now that we have the cards, we can actually start planning - making some assumptions of course about how the rules will work for these guys. So let's break down the rules for the Stormwall and look at which warcasters would make the most of a giant robot with lightning fists!
So let's breakdown some of the features of the Stormwall:
- DEF 10, ARM 19, 56 damage boxes. What's really interesting about the Stormwall is that the systems are a greater percentage of the damage boxes and more spread out.
- MAT 6, RAT 6. Hardly impressive levels of accuracy, but RAT 6 is actually pretty great considering the Stormwall sports two POW 15 cannons and 2d3 POW 12 shots on any given turn.
- SPD 5 is pretty impressive for a Colossal but not terribly surprising considering it's Cygnar.
- Lots of electricity to kill off lots of infantry - between the Lightning Pods and Electro-leap on the fists.
- P+S 20 on his melee attacks offers some great melee damage for wrecking enemy heavies.
So which Cygnar warcasters can make the most from the Stormwall? Well we first need to consider more than just the raw statline or abilities. We should also consider that this model is really expensive at 19 points. Essentially, we need to find a warcaster that could turn this model into something more than just a replacement for a Stormclad and a Defender (same cost). So what should we be looking for? Warcasters...
- ...with efficient, single-model spells
- to give lots of focus points
- ...capable of making the warjack more efficient
- ...which can keep vital systems active and repaired
pNemo - Nemo doesn't usually get much positive attention but I think he might have some fun with the Stormwall, provided you have enough magic-using models in your list to keep him loaded with focus. As long as you can have 3 other models cast spells in your control area before your turn, you can have 10 focus points and you can load 5 focus onto the Stormwall. Ouch! If you really want to wreck multiple heavies you can even throw out Disruption Field onto him to make it even more ridiculous with P+S 22 melee attacks with Electro-leap AND Disruption! Yikes! You can even take advantage of the huge base and cast Chain Lightning onto the Stormwall and have the lightning arc onto enemy models without any worry of damage to it. Do note, however, that Locomotion will not work on the Stormwall since the Colossals can't move outside of their activations. It might be better just to take a Lancer along as well for that and the arc node, but one Stormwall will be plenty of heavy-hitting for pNemo!
Darius - This shouldn't be so surprising since he's Cygnar's preeminent 'jack 'caster. Darius will make the Stormwall sing for you, as Darius can offer it a number of great things. Fortification will give the Stormwall a much-needed ARM boost as well as a huge footprint to keep lots of models nearby to keep them from getting knocked down. While Darius' Crane won't work on the Stormwall, he will be able to move other warjacks to better positions to move around the huge base. Also having Full Throttle can be great for letting the Stormwall clear out swaths of models with his Sweep power attack and boosted melee attack rolls, and making a free slam and knocking back the target an extra 2" will be great! Jackhammer will be invaluable with the Stormwall since it can't be allocated more than 3 focus points. Instead, you can just keep casting Jackhammer to have it make additional attacks and get the most out of your one warjack. If your opponent tries to simply tie it up you can even cast Jackhammer a couple of times to clear out anything engaging you and then activate the Stormwall later in the turn to wreck even more face. Lastly, since he's rocking 58 damage boxes, don't you think your opponent will cry a little when you are able to repair the Stormwall back to full health? Oh, I can't wait!