List Building
List Building:
101: Playstyle
102: Expectations
Darius Tier 4 - 35, 50 points (November 2011)
The Minuteman! - 35 points (January 2012)
pNemo - 35 points (January 2012)
Steamroller Prep: 25 points (June 2012)
Pirate Queen Skarre, Ships in the Night Tier 4- 35, 50 points (February 2012)
Pirate Queen Skarre, Ships in the Night Tier 4 - 35, 50 points REVISION (March 2012)
Witch Coven of Garlghast - Part 1, Part 2 (May 2012)
Protectorate of Menoth:
Amon Ad-Raza - 35 points (April 2012)
Fiona the Black, Highborn Covenant - 50 points (December 2011)
Broadsides Bart, Highborn Covenant - 35 points (January 2012)
Fiona the Black, Highborn Covenant - 35 points (March 2012)
Steamroller Prep: 25 points (June 2012)
Ashlynn D'Elyse, Highborn Covenant - 35 points (April 2013)
Retribution of Scyrah:
Adeptus Rahn Tier 4 - 35 points (January 2012)
pDoomshaper Tier 4 - 35 points (March 2012)
eGrissel - 35 points (May 2012)
Circle Orboros:
Mohsar Tier 4 - 50 points (October 2011)
pBaldur - Journeyman League (November 2011)
eBaldur Tier 4 - 35, 50 points (November 2011)
eBaldur, pBaldur, eKaya, pKrueger - 50 points (December 2011)
pBaldur Tier 4 - 35 points (April 2012)
Kromac and Mohsar - 35 points
Steamroller Prep: 25 points (June 2012)
Legion of Everblight:
eVayl Tier 4 - 35, 50 points (January 2012)